
Singapore National Day Parade

The Independence of Singapore






This event, which celebrates the gaining of the independence of the state of Singapore, is celebrated every year on 9 August with great dedication of means and resources.

The event is attended by more than 8,000 figures, the air force and the country’s entire army on parade.

Paolo Buroni got the prestigious job after a careful evaluation by the authorities of the republic, which after a long selection process pitted the Italian multivision designer against an Australian company.

The winning design envisaged a large 260-metre-long multivision that will surround the more than 25,000 people in the large green space, the size of a stadium, specially prepared for the occasion.

The design of the mega-event had as its theme the different ethnicities, culture and history of Singapore, but revisited with a modern and innovative graphic style.

Images of pioneer Singapore were depicted. Art and the four cultures that populate it were highlighted, creating an emotion towards the future perspective of this people rich in history and aspirations.